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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tyler the nutritionist!

As I was making my shopping list for today, I noticed in the Kroger ad this week that 2 liters of Pepsi products were on sale for $.95 each.  As I finished scanning groceries in the self checkout line, swiped my credit card to pay and was bagging the food, I heard the following VERY loud conversation behind me:

Tyler: (Staring at the woman's groceries coming down the conveyor belt in the self checkout lane next to us) Look Brenna, 6 2 liters. 7!!
Lady Checking Out: Actually I have 10 of them.
Tyler: Wow...does your husband like to drink Pepsi a lot?
Lady Checking Out: No, unfortunately it's just me.
Tyler: You shouldn't drink so much soda.  It's unhealthy for you.  Or at least you should drink diet!
Lady Checking Out: I guess you're right.
Tyler: Thank you.
Me: (Very embarrassed) I'm so sorry.  This 10 year old apparently doesn't have a filter.
Lady Checking Out: That's why they are so great.

At least she was a good sport about it!  Although I couldn't really tell Tyler he was wrong.  It really is unhealthy for you...guess I taught him well.  Honestly I had to wonder to myself just how much soda the lady drinks in one day.  Don't 2 liters go flat in like 2 days once they are opened??  So she either has to drink a 2 liter within a 48 hour period or like drinking flat soda.  Hmmmm....oh well.  Either way, my apologies to the soda drinker on behalf of my 10 year old nutritionist!


  1. Haha, I love it when kids say things that we're all thinking but don't have the guts to say. :)

  2. Maybe, just maybe, a little 10-year old made that Pepsi consumer STOP and THINK - that they might be better off without all this soda.
