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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pajama Day

For the past 5 years of school, there have been 5 days that Tyler has been allowed to wear his pajamas out of the house.  This year in preschool, Brenna had her very first Pajama Day and had a great time. I'm not sure exactly why, but there is just something really fun about waking up, eating breakfast, brushing your teeth and hair and then walking out the door.  I remember how much fun Pajama Days were in school because most came with the added bonus of doing something besides learning, like watching a movie. 

Ever since I have been a parent of a school age child I have thought to myself, "Why can't I ever have a Pajama Day as a parent?  Why can't I have just one day where I don't have to get up and get dressed because I have a million and a half things to do?"  Well, let me tell you that when people say be careful what you wish for, they weren't kidding!  Today I got my Pajama Day...and it was awful.  I sat on the couch and did a whole lot of NOTHING with some more nothing thrown in for good measure!!  I was still achy all day and every time I sat up it felt like my head was going to explode.  I went through periods of chills and then periods of burning up.  I am happy to report that I am finally starting to feel better.  Today my food intake was less than stellar.  Although I was able to keep down everything I ate, nothing really sounded "good".  I ate a total of 3 pieces of toast with peach jam, 10 bites of vegetable soup, 2 rice patties, 1 bag of Top Ramen soup with an egg cooked in it, 3 cups of tea, 3 Tylenol (do those count as food?) and some water.  I'm thinking I will finally be back amongst the living tomorrow.  Perhaps I will live to cook another day!!  No more Pajama Days for me!!

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