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Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Very First Post

So as a mom of 4 (well technically only 3 eaters and one 3 month old) it's a good thing one of my favorite things in the whole wide world to do is to cook.  As a mom of 3 boys I guess it's also a good thing one of my favorite things in the whole wide world to do is cook.  There is something I am drawn to about taking good, fresh ingredients and turning them into something delicious and healthy!  I also love to reuse leftovers to create something new.  The kitchen has always been a place I have felt comfortable.  Some of my favorite memories growing up revolve around cooking or eating.  Maybe it's because I'm Italian and come from a long line of fabulous cooks.  You can be a magician in the kitchen.  You can be a scientist in the kitchen.  I am happy to say that my 4 year old daughter already shows a great interest in cooking.  She loves to help any way she can and I look forward to having her take on more as she gets older.

A long time ago my Mom gave me a whole stack of Rachel Ray magazines.  I went through them and picked out a ton of interesting recipes.  I pulled them out, hole punched them, put them in a binder and....drum roll please...forgot about them.  I recently came across the binder and have decided I am going to try out every single recipe.  I want to expose my family to new flavors and cultures in the best way I know how.  I am so incredibly excited about this.  I will try just about anything once.  My husband, not so much.  Looks like he will be eating a lot of alternate dinners (aka PB & J sandwiches) in the future!!  My hopes are to pass on my taste palate to my children.  To not be afraid.  To try something new.  To not just eat "kid friendly" food.  To take JUST ONE BITE!!

I often post on Facebook about what I am making for dinners.  A lot of time people request the recipes from me so I guess I must be doing something right!!  I figured why not start a blog so that others can follow along on my family's flavor adventure.  I hope you enjoy reading about them as much as I enjoy cooking and tasting them. 

1 comment:

  1. We look forward to the adventure! ~ Craig and Lori
